5 consejos de seguridad para saber si un jugo de vape es auténtico Identificar la autenticidad del jugo de vape antes de comprar es muy importante. La buena noticia es que implica un proceso simple y directo. De hecho, para determinar la autenticidad de un e-juice, estas son las cosas que debe verificar antes de […]
dispositivo de vape limpio Como dice el refrán, ¡un vape limpio es un vape feliz! Si desea obtener lo mejor de su tanque y bobinas de vaporizador , debe esforzarse por limpiarlos de vez en cuando. Idealmente, si nota que su bobina está produciendo un sabor a quemado, entonces, es necesario que la limpie. En […]
If you are an avid Abu Dhabi vaper with the cutest puppies and kittens living at home with you, this thought may have crossed your mind. Second-hand smoke from cigarettes is harmful to all living beings, but is vaping dangerous for pets too? There are many fear-mongering articles on the web when it comes to […]
One of the biggest reasons why people became SAUDI vapers is because they wanted to quit smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes have too many toxic chemicals filled with nicotine and tax, which cause lung cancer and other breathing problems. Long term smokers who wanted to quit the habit resorted to vaping as a solution to suppress cravings […]
Vape culture has taken over the world, and there is no going back. If you want a SAUDI vape, there are plenty of options to choose from, ever since the government has legalized and placed an excise tax on it recently. Many people have been asking if Juul and vapes are the same. Juul is […]